Will Las Vegas be called the Black Knights?

It looks like an inevitability that the NHL will land in Las Vegas. (Jae C. Hong/AP)

Earlier this week, we wondered what a Las Vegas NHL team would be called. Posse? Owls? Ghosts?


How about the Las Vegas Black Knights?

In an exclusive interview by Elliotte Friedman with prospective Las Vegas team owner William Foley on Hockey Night in Canada, Foley said his preference for a team name would be the Black Knights.

“I love the name Black Knights because I was a West Point guy, went to Army, it’s close to my heart. And the black knight, many people don’t know this, is actually the good knight. And I think that Black Knights would be a great name.”

It’s been rumoured for months that Las Vegas was a hot landing spot for an NHL expansion team. Foley said that over the past year, the idea of the NHL in Vegas has evolved to the point where, now, his confidence is at an all-time high.

“I would say that it was an idea a year ago. It was evolving six months ago. I met with the executive committee about six months ago, they were receptive, they loved the arena, we made our presentation and we left. There was no commitment; there’s never been a commitment.

“And then as we moved to the summer and into the fall, there was more and more discussion with the commissioner about what it would take and how we should do it and if we were going to be successful what he needed from us. So I would say over the last 60 days, 90 days my confidence level has increased pretty dramatically.”

However, Foley told Friedman that if a team does come to Vegas, there will be a Name The Team contest.

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