Hawks hold off on call about Drew’s future

Atlanta Hawks General manager Danny Ferry plans to let the disappointment of a six-game loss to the Indiana Pacers wear off a bit before deciding whether Larry Drew is the coach to lead what figures to be a much different roster next season. (AP/John Bazemore)

ATLANTA — One day after the Atlanta Hawks were bounced from the NBA playoffs, Larry Drew remains their coach.

General manager Danny Ferry said Saturday it’s too soon to make such a major decision on the team’s future. He plans to let the disappointment of a six-game loss to the Indiana Pacers wear off a bit before deciding whether Drew is the coach to lead what figures to be a much different roster next season.

Drew endured a lame-duck season after the team renewed the option on his contract last summer but didn’t give him an extension. He concedes that set up a difficult situation, especially coaching a team that has only three players definitely under contract going forward. But Drew says he’s proud of the way the Hawks stuck together.

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