Photos: What if NBA teams wore football helmets?

If the Toronto Raptors were a football team their helmets might look like this. (Design created by James Politi)

The NBA can get physical, especially in the post-season, but not physical enough to warrant the players wearing helmets.

That didn’t stop graphic designer James Politi from designing football helmets for each NBA team.

Using a specific set of rules “to help conquer laziness” Politi and Luke Daly avoided cutting and pasting existing logos and didn’t use any basketballs in their designs.

If the NBA ever morphs into some type of insane version of SlamBall, these helmets might come in handy. Until then, they’re just fun to look at.

Here are a few of our favourites:







Check out all 31 concepts here. (They have two Phoenix Suns helmets)

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