Watch: Manning brothers rap in new commercial

Denver Broncos QB Peyton Manning, left, and New York Giants QB Eli Manning, right, have both hosted Saturday Night Live in the past. (

NFL superstar quarterbacks Peyton and Eli Manning are known for their skills on the field, but they’re no slouches on screen either.

Denver Broncos’ QB Peyton and New York Giants QB’ Eli aren’t new to comedy, as both were well received as past hosts of Saturday Night Live, but in a new commercial they take their acting (and rapping!) abilities to another level.

Like the Dead Sea Scrolls, or pretty much any Coen brothers’ movie, the world needs to know about this:

A Flock of Seagulls-style haircut plus a perm, break dancing, girls making it rain, outfits that seem quite uncomfortable, plus golden footballs and questionable rhyme schemes.

This video has it all.

And even their dad, former NFLer Archie Manning, makes a cameo — sitting on a throne flaunting a jumpsuit and hairdo that would make any of the Bee Gees in their prime jealous.

Apologies for the fact this song will likely be stuck in your head after hearing it.

No word yet on how their teammates will make fun of them throughout the season for this latest endeavour.

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