Predators’ Johansen suspended 2 games for high-sticking Scheifele

Ryan Johansen will have a hearing with the NHL's Department of Player Safety after this chop to the head of Jets forward Mark Scheifele.

Nashville Predators forward Ryan Johansen has been suspended two games for high-sticking Winnipeg Jets star Mark Scheifele.

The incident occurred during the two clubs’ game on Thursday, a 5-1 win for the Jets. Johansen and Scheifele engaged in the corner before the Predators centre turned and, while pushing Scheifele away, connected with a slash that hit the Jets forward up high.

Johansen has suited up for all 49 games for Nashville this season, posting 42 points in that span. Scheifele has 47 games under his belt this season, with 25 goals and 58 points thus far.


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