Retired NHL referee Mick McGeough to be removed from life support


Former NHL referee Mick McGeough has passed away at age 62. (Adrian Wyld/CP)

Retired NHL referee Michael “Mick” McGeough suffered a stroke last Sunday and, after his condition worsened, will be removed from life support.

McGeough, 62, was hospitalized after showing the early signs of a stroke. He later consulted with a neurosurgeon in Saskatoon to explore treatment options for removing the remaining clots at the back of his brain. The damage proved to be irreversible.

He has returned to Regina to be with his family. On Friday, it was announced all life sustaining measures will be stopped.

McGeough began his NHL officiating career in 1987. He was among the last NHL officials to officiate NHL games without wearing a helmet. In total, he officiated 1,083 regular season games, 63 playoff games, and the 2006 Stanley Cup Finals.

A GoFundMe page has been set up for his family.


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