Q&A with UFC Octagon Girl Arianny Celeste

Despite a long time between UFC events, Octagon Girl Arianny Celeste has been very busy lately. She just finished shooting her 2013 calendar and she also appeared in the latest deadmau5 video, which was released last week.

Even with her busy schedule Celeste took time to speak with Alain Fournier of MMA Nouvelles and discussed the life of a UFC Octagon Girl as well as her latest projects. He provided the full Q&A to sportsnet.ca.

Here is the interview with Arianny Celeste:

Can you describe to us what are the best sides of being a UFC Octagon Girl, and what are the worst sides?

Definitely the best side is being able to see the best fights in the world. Seing the best fighters, the best athletes in the world going at it. Also travelling around the world, seeing different places is definitely the best side.

Now for the worst. I guess having to deal with all the publicity. I never expected this when I joined this job. It’s kinda invading your privacy a litle bit. That’s probably the worst.

Since you’re always on the road, I’m guessing it must be difficult getting a personal life.

Yeah, that part too.

It’s been a pretty busy week for you. You just came back from shooting your photos for your 2013 calendar. Can you talk about it?

I shot it in Miami, and I didn’t expect to have a hurricane weather warning. So I got there and was a bit upset about that. Actually, we shot when it was all going down on Sunday (Aug. 26). It actually made the pictures even better. It made me look as if I was in a crazy tropical place.

It finally turned out well and the storm went away. We shot on the beach, and got some good beach shots, also had some amazing cars. It will definitely top last year’s calendar. It’s really good.

Do you take part in the creation and designing or do you let a professional team do it?

I work with a team and I oversee everything. I give them my ides. They are really a great team. We just all worked together.

This week marks the release of the new deadmau5 video. How was the filming and is it something that you would like to do again?

The deadmau5 music video is amazing. I think it has already hit one million views. For the production, everything was on point. I was really happy to be a part of that. I would definitely see myself more on TV, do more acting or hosting in the future. Right now with the UFC, it’s kinda hard with all the travelling. But I have my agencies, and I pick all the auditions I can get when I am in town. We will see what happens.

Two years ago, you were on the cover of Playboy. Is there anything that has changed in your life since that cover?

It definitely helped me. I have a lot more jobs. It’s something that I am very proud of. I never thought I would do it but I’m happy I did.

When we talk about cage girls, MMA fans can name a lot of them, but when it comes to ring girls, boxing fans can only name a few or none. Why is that?

Well, first of all, we are not cage girls we are Octagon Girls. The UFC always promotes a healthy, sexy lifestyle. I think that’s the main point. We promote health and fitness, and that’s what the UFC is all about.

Talking about the UFC, there is going to be two events taking place in Canada by the end of the year: UFC 152 in Toronto, and UFC 154 in Montreal. Can we expect to see you at both events?

Of course. I love Canada, it’s one of my favourite places in the world. Especially in Montreal. I love the food, love the atmosphere, the clubs, everything.

We have asked our viewers to send us question for you, and here is the winning question from PH Chartrand: Do you train MMA, and would you consider getting inside an Octagon?

I do train MMA. I do Muay Thai kickboxing, but I would never fight, it’s not my thing. I wouldn’t want to compete. I’ll leave that to the fighters.

One thing I would want to add is I recorded a song, and it is going to be coming out very soon. We just filmed the music video, and I’m already talking with clubs in Miami about performing. It is going to be a single, and a music video. Not an album. That is my next project.

Arianny Celeste will be in Toronto for UFC 152 on Sept. 22 and in Montreal for UFC 154 on Nov. 17. Her 2013 calendar is going to be available in a couple of months.

Be sure to catch all your latest Arianny Celeste news and pics on her official website ariannyceleste.com and you can follow her on Twitter @ariannyceleste.

Follow Alain Fournier on Twitter @afourniermma.

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