Community Code of conduct

Welcome to the fan forums. Please remember these forums are intended for a broad audience and for light-hearted discussion/debate on the hot sports topics of the day.

The policies outlined below are strictly enforced and may seem excessive compared to other forums, but are there so that all users feel comfortable posting and interacting.

If any of the guidelines are broken, the moderators have full discretion to suspend or ban any user without notice, depending on the severity of the infraction. All content on the forums falls under the discretion of the moderators whether or not it is explicitly outlined under the guidelines.

Thank you for using the Sportsnet fan forums.

GUIDELINES: Offensive language, including all racial, ethnic or sexual slurs, as well as personal attacks, including name-calling and insults directed at other Forum members is prohibited. There is no bashing allowed in General Forums. Bashing is allowed in Team Forums, provided it is “light-hearted,” and not incessant trolling.

Advertising the sale or promotion of Goods and Services is prohibited. This includes blogs, paid sites, and “non-mainstream” websites.

Discussions focused upon People’s sexuality, etc. is prohibited, as well as upon People’s physical impairments.

Religious and Political Threads are inappropriate topics and may be removed.

Images are limited in size to 400 x 100 pixels, and 50,000 Bytes. They cannot contain overtly sexual or violent content, and must be positive (not used to bash others). Images must also not violate copyright laws.

Any attempt to use the name or likeness of sportsnet personalities is prohibited.

Lastly, threads advocating or facilitating illegal activities, such as illegal downloads of copyrighted material, theft of sattelite or cable signals, etc. are prohibited.

When submitting content, please abide by our submission guidelines, and avoid posting profanity, personal attacks or harassment. Should you violate our submissions guidelines, we reserve the right to remove your comments and block your account. Sportsnet reserves the right to close a story’s comment section at any time.