Calgary Cavalry win spring title with 2-0 win over York9 FC


CALGARY – The Calgary Cavalry are the first-ever Canadian Premier League spring season champions.

Dominique Malonga and Julian Buscher both scored in the first half as the Cavalry beat York9 FC 2-0 on Wednesday to clinch the title with two matches remaining in the inaugural CPL season.

Malonga scored in the 24th minute and Buscher struck 11 minutes later as Calgary improved 8-1-0, making it mathematically impossible for second place Forge FC to catch the Cavalry.

The league’s standings will reset on July 1 as the CPL’s fall season begins.

The champion of the fall season gets to decide the order of venues for the two legs of the Championship series.

Their opponent in that series will be the team with the next highest cumulative points total over both the spring and fall seasons.


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